Fraiseuse 6040, la broche ne tourne plus.

  • Auteur de la discussion sébastien guillot
  • Date de début

sébastien guillot


Je possède depuis peu une fraiseuse 6040 commandé par Mach 3.
Je fais plusieurs usinages sans rencontrer de problème mais dernièrement la broche refuse de tourner.
Toute la séquence se lance correctement à part la rotation de la broche.

J'ai essayé avec plusieurs objets qui fonctionnaient précédemment, et la broche ne tourne dans aucun cas.

Il y a un message lié à la broche qui annonce que le "dwell est actif"

Savez-vous d'où peut venir le problème ?
Merci d'avance


bonsoir ,
si vous saisissez une instruction S (example S3000) , la broche ne demarre pas ?

sébastien guillot

Je ne peux pas tester là, car je ne suis pas à l'atelier.
Mais dans le code il y a bien S5000 et tout fonctionne sauf ça.
J'avais réussi à faire tourner une fois la broche en passant par l'onglet "Diagnostique".

Si cela peut aider, voici le début de mon code.

(T1 D=6. CR=0. - ZMIN=-26. - FLAT END MILL)
G90 G94 G91.1 G40 G49 G17
G28 G91 Z0.

T1 M6
S5000 M3
G0 X37.618 Y-220.403
G43 Z15. H0
G1 Z3.1 F1000.
X37.629 Y-220.429 Z2.918 F333.
X37.662 Y-220.503 Z2.754
X37.718 Y-220.618 Z2.622
X37.796 Y-220.759 Z2.534
X37.892 Y-220.912 Z2.5

sébastien guillot

J'ai tout essayé, la broche ne tourne toujours pas.

Voici le check obtenu

///////////////Configuration Check Facility///////////////////////

Any obvious errors are checked by this facility, passing does not mean
you have no errors, but as more error possibilities are found,
more checks will be added to this facility.
Currently, the most frequenct tech-support errors are checked for.

///////////////LIMIT & HOMING CHECK///////////////////////

Port for a limit found as not port 1 or port 2.
Input Pin not 10-13 or 15..
Port for a limit found as not port 1 or port 2.
Input Pin not 10-13 or 15..
Port for a limit found as not port 1 or port 2.
Input Pin not 10-13 or 15..
Port for a limit found as not port 1 or port 2.
Input Pin not 10-13 or 15..
Port for a limit found as not port 1 or port 2.
Input Pin not 10-13 or 15..
Port for a limit found as not port 1 or port 2.
Input Pin not 10-13 or 15..
Port for a limit found as not port 1 or port 2.
Input Pin not 10-13 or 15..
Port for a limit found as not port 1 or port 2.
Input Pin not 10-13 or 15..
Port for a limit found as not port 1 or port 2.
Input Pin not 10-13 or 15..
Port for a limit found as not port 1 or port 2.
Input Pin not 10-13 or 15..
Port for a limit found as not port 1 or port 2.
Input Pin not 10-13 or 15..
Port for a limit found as not port 1 or port 2.
Input Pin not 10-13 or 15..
Port for a limit found as not port 1 or port 2.
Input Pin not 10-13 or 15..
Port for a limit found as not port 1 or port 2.
Input Pin not 10-13 or 15..

A switch may be misset in its Port setting. Normally
Ports are set to port 1 or port 2. However, if your using ModBus
then Port 0 is allowed and you may ignore this error.
Config/ports&Pins/Input Signals tab contains the port settings

A switch may be misset in its input Pin setting. Normally
Pins 10-13 ans 15 are used. Ig using G100, you may ignore this error.
Config/ports&Pins/Input Signals tab contains the Pin settings
No Errors Found!
////////////////////// End of Homing and Limits Check ///////////////////////////////////

///////////////OUTPUT Signals Check///////////////////////

Port for an Output found as not port 1 or port 2. Unless using ModBus, this is wrong.
Port for an Output found as not port 1 or port 2. Unless using ModBus, this is wrong.
Port for an Output found as not port 1 or port 2. Unless using ModBus, this is wrong.
Port for an Output found as not port 1 or port 2. Unless using ModBus, this is wrong.
///////////////End of OUTPUT Signals Check///////////////////////

//////////////// Digitising Probe /////////////////////////
Digitising Probe Pin setting may be wrong
It should be pins 10-13 or 15. Check it before use!.
/////////End of Probe Check /////////////////////!.

/////////Motor Settings - Enabled Motors only are Checked/////////////////////!.

A motor Step pin is set to a port other than 1 or 2, this is probably an error..
A motor Direction pin is set to a port other than 1 or 2, this is probably an error..
A motor Step pin is set to a port other than 1 or 2, this is probably an error..
A motor Direction pin is set to a port other than 1 or 2, this is probably an error..
A motor Step pin is set to a port other than 1 or 2, this is probably an error..
A motor Direction pin is set to a port other than 1 or 2, this is probably an error..
A motor Step pin is set to a port other than 1 or 2, this is probably an error..
A motor Direction pin is set to a port other than 1 or 2, this is probably an error..
A motor Step pin is set to a port other than 1 or 2, this is probably an error..
A motor Direction pin is set to a port other than 1 or 2, this is probably an error..
/////////Motor Settings - End of Motor Checks/////////////////////!.

Checkup complete , please check any errors listed.

Thank you for checking your Settings.....

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